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As a result of Covid-19, digital learning has taken new prominence in the lives of students around the world. Its impact demands teachers, lesson plans, and curricula adapt to technology’s new role in student learning.  Hooky provides students with role-playing games based on content created by their teachers. By empowering teachers to create interactive lessons in less time than a PowerPoint, Hooky connects students and school through a medium they know and love. If you're an educator fill out our survey for a chance to win a $250 Amazon Gift Card

Home: Welcome

“If we teach today, as we taught yesterday, we rob students of tomorrow”

John Dewey

Impacts of Remote Learning

The data reveals both students and teachers are struggling to adapt to the challenges of remote learning.


On average, teachers report only 60% of students regularly participate in remote learning.

Insights from The Backpack 2020 Teacher Council: Remote Learning


The percentage of teachers who felt successful teaching students remotely dropped 23.2% from 91.6% to 73.1% compared to in-person learning

Teachers’ Experiences Working from Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic


86% of teachers surveyed reported low student engagement as a serious obstacle to the effective implementation of distance learning since Covid-19.

VOICES FROM THE  VIRTUAL CLASSROOM 2020 A Survey of America’s Teachers on COVID-19-Related Education Issues

Education & Ed Tech Growing Together

When education technology fails to deliver expected results both educators and platforms are quick to point the finger at one another.

Online Class

Remote Learning Poses New Challenges for Educators Looking to Engage Students

Remote learning presents a series of challenges for teachers ranging from students' technology access to engagement. Teachers face burnout at alarming rates as they carry the brunt of responsibility for students' learning both in the classroom and remotely.

Gamification: Potential or Pain Point?

Gamification has been incorporated into classrooms across the world often in the form of online trivia or quizzes. When implemented properly these games are proven to improve student learning.  Unfortunately, gamification has struggled to find its home as a complement to remote learning.

Learning with Tablets

Gamification's Gap

Stressed Woman

Time Consuming

Many education technology platforms lack a convenient and familiar way to load lessons into their platform. This discourages educators from using the platform due to the amount of time configuration will take.

How is Hooky different?

Teacher created content that goes beyond online quizzes and trivia games.

Image by Marc-Olivier Jodoin
A Boy and His Tablet Device


Teachers control the content ensuring the information provided to the students is relevant and accurate.


Teachers can create game content based on an input form allowing dynamic education content to be created faster than a PowerPoint presentation.


Role-playing games integrate lesson plans to immerse students in an interactive and educational narrative based on the content entered by their teacher.


Easy Input For Teachers

Hooky allows teachers to enter their lesson plans through a dynamic web form enabling them to quickly create games that are relevant to classroom instruction. Below is an early concept of how the input form would look.


Have ideas to improve this form? Fill out our educator survey to enter our monthly Amazon Gift Card raffle.

Teenage Students Raising Hands


Engaging Output For Students


Students interact with characters in a world that utilize their teacher's key points, examples, video links, and vocabulary words to guide them through. an interactive lesson.

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